Edit trades in the transaction area

@everyone Hey guys,

A short update from Spatz IT Labs: We are currently very, very reluctantly working on the very last pieces of the puzzle of a major security update. This is currently blocking us from releasing other features – but we firmly believe that your portfolios don’t belong in the hands of strangers, so some other releases are currently on the back burner. Unfortunately, our IT chief is extremely strict 🤷🏻‍♂️ .

However, after talking to him for hours, I was able to get a mini pre-release from him:

From now on you can edit your trades directly in the transaction area and the calculations will change in real time. Just like in an Excel spreadsheet. Since the banks will never agree on a standardized format for “transaction PDFs”, the import will unfortunately always go wrong, we can’t prevent that. But: we can at least make “editing” easier for you, see the screencast.