Major security update rolled out


A sweaty, overtired IT employee came to us earlier with a 5 1/4 inch floppy disk 💾 in his hand and said quietly but firmly: “It’s done.” In other words: The security update has finally been installed 🙌 . In a nutshell:

  • We have once again drastically raised the standard for general portfolio encryption.
  • Email, username and portfolios are now physically stored completely separately from each other. Naturally encrypted down to the last detail – there will be a short security lecture on this from the esteemed @Nico when the opportunity arises
  • And: YES! The password can now also be changed and reset (duh!). It’s great what you can simply forget with a product 😬 .

Stop! That’s not it yet! :5264greensiren:

The dividends have also made a few levels. You can now import automatically, enter and change them yourself. The “without edit button” feature will be added tomorrow. Then it will be just as easy to edit via the list as in the transactions.

It all took longer than we had planned – but the security update was definitely worth it. You don’t want to find your portfolios in some leak 🤷🏻‍♂️

Next in line:

  • Major crypto update
  • iOS Companion App

Have a nice rest of the week!