It’s been an extremely busy few weeks for us. We have released a lot of new features and fixed many bugs. Thank you for your patience 🚀 .
iOS update: Unfortunately, we are still stuck in Apple’s approval process. Partly because we were clever enough to enter gospatz.coml as our URL. The Apple clerk definitely didn’t feel like correcting the typo himself. Oh well.
To the most important news!
- Stock splits: are now carried out automatically by us. Yes, some people will be annoyed that they did this themselves and now see EUR 993,933,218 in their portfolio (or something like that). Please don’t be angry 🙏 and just go to the transactions. Divide the share price and the portfolio by the split ratio. For Amazon, for example, divide both by 20 and our function will do the rest. To everyone else who has put up with our inability to split: You should finally be saved now :).
- Landing page: Yes, we now also have a (very reduced) homepage 🔥! But you can only see it when you log out. Focus is on the product, not on marketing.
- Importer updates: Improvements for Trade Republic, Captrader, Coinbase, Parquet, Onvista, Comdirect, Scalable, Bitavo, Commerzbank, Deutsche Bank, DKB, Flatex, ING Diba, Just Trade.
- Grouping of shares: If, for example, you have bought Tesla on different stock exchanges, the shares are still booked individually, but grouped together under Tesla. We think that makes a lot of sense – hopefully you do too. (GIF)
- Bulk booking of dividends: Until now, this feature was almost unusable :brainless: . For a bulk entry, you had to choose from all dividends ever issued since 1970. Haha. Great joke from a programmer. Super. That’s why we’ve now put him on Visual Basic for 30 days. At the same time, the function is now smarter. In other words: We check WHEN you bought a share and ONLY offer dividends from this point in time :RWWeSmart:. (GIF)
- Mobile browser version: Still ugly, but not as bad to use. Personally, I no longer feel any physical pain when using it. But we are still not aesthetically pleasing. Baby steps ahead … probably more next week.
That was it! Big shout-outs to our mini-team, who work tirelessly here, and of course to you and the very valuable tips. And the loyalty ❤️ .
See you soon and have fun with the week. Half of it is already over!