Hey guys,
Another update from our catacombs of IT romance – between network cables and the blue glow of monitors … 🌻
We have changed the navigation! The idea: All important functions can now be found on the first level. The corresponding menu will be gradually filled with new features over the coming weeks and will therefore become increasingly important. Until now, you always had to go past the chart first to look at the stock etc.. Kind of unattractive.
Speaking of unsightly: The mobile version of SPATZ has just won the European Ugliness Award for 3-month-old mobile solutions in Europe 🏆 . Or would have, if it had. In other words: Yes, we know that this is not ideal in terms of appearance and functionality 😬 . That’s why we’re giving you the opportunity to download an iOS version of SPATZ via Testflight from next week. @KoljaBarghoorn or @Nico will explain how to do this when the time comes. The work will only be published in the Appstore once you have given feedback. Yes, we’re listening to you 🤜 🤛 . For Android users, life with SPATZ will also improve in the medium term.
But back to the current release:
Chart period and portfolio KPIs (the big numbers at the top) are now decoupled. In other words, you can view the chart on any timeline without having to recalculate your portfolio value at the top. And, of course, you can set the portfolio value without having to look at the chart. We have also fixed a lot of bugs (thanks to you) and responded to various stock requests. We are still working on correcting a few incorrect crypto names and will add them soon.
Keep up the good work!
Your Los Gorriones