Information about goSPATZ as a project

Hey guys,

We would like to inform you more often here in the channel about us as a team and Spatz as a project.

As you will have noticed, SPATZ is still in its infancy. In fact, we are now one day old – a newborn, a software baby so to speak. So bear with us a little and help us grow :). But we believe that the basis is there to create a great product together with you.

Incidentally, we are a team of private equity investors aged 22-48 and developed Spatz because we were not satisfied with the portfolio solutions on the market:

Either the existing tools are annoyingly complicated, important features are missing or costs are charged for rudimentary services such as “share allocation” or the management of several portfolios. In our view, these costs alone make no technical sense and seem a bit contrived. At Spatz, the portfolio area will remain free ❕ and, with your help, will still have many cool features.

Speaking of made up – of course it’s nonsense to claim that as a software developer you can only exist economically from the love of the community. Spatz will also get paid features at some point. However, in useful areas such as “research”, i.e. the automated selection of suitable stocks, signals, alerts etc.. You will certainly not be asked to pay to be able to track the performance of your portfolios conveniently and comprehensively.

With this in mind – have fun and ideas – we look forward to your feedback 🤘