So, that was a REAL act. The lights were on in the IT basement for 4 weeks. And that with the crazy electricity prices.
We have taken on board and implemented all suggestions, ideas and understandable grumbles. There were a few issues, but the following solutions have now been permanently implemented. Everyone should now be able to find what they are looking for:
- When importing, there is an “import preview” that can be edited as required.
- Portfolios can now be archived and restored
- Improvements when deleting positions
- Monitoring implemented for defective or missing historical data
- Manual revision of the components of the major indices S&P500, NASDAQ Composite, Russel 2000, WIG 20, DAX, TecDAX, MDAX, SDAX, FTSE 100
- Extension of historical data
- Improvement of crypto quotes on a USD basis
- Upload the import files piece by piece and no longer all at once to prevent timeouts
- Improvement of various PDF and CSV import adapters
- Optimization of field widths so that long field contents of the layout no longer shift
- Improvement of the error description for error messages
- Better validation of transactions during import to avoid invalid transactions (missing data, negative purchase prices, etc.)
- Refreshing the dividend table after dividend import without page reload
- Sometimes the wrong file name was reported for incorrect files. Fixed!
- Removal of redundant API calls to increase the performance and stability of the UI
- Standard portfolios after registration are now linked and no longer copied, thus reducing the amount of data
- Optimization of various database queries to reduce the overall response time
- Improvement of the data model in terms of performance
- Deduplication of instrument data to avoid redundancies
- Optimization of deployment pipelines to roll out new features faster and more securely
- Fixed an error when calculating the total performance that occurred with many alternating purchases and sales of the same position
- Fixed an error when calculating the performance table
- 0 Values hidden in asset performance table
- Chart performance values sometimes did not match the totals. Fixed
- Entry value sometimes did not match the information in the totals. Fixed.
- Total value added for subscribed portfolio
- Display the chart in the home currency. If there are not enough data points, display in USD or EUR.
- Hide chart if there are not enough data points
- Jumps in the chart display removed
- Various UI improvements
- Display the dividend tab even if there are dividends but no transactions
- Data update significantly increased in the event of changes
- Portfolio EXPORT (csv)
So – we dry our sweat and tears and send the injured and wounded of this code war on vacation (2-3 hours or so). Then we’ll immediately devote ourselves to new features.
Please continue to report bugs and point out shortcomings – either on Discord or via the website. We will only continue to improve with your help
Best regards from your Spatz team