Spatz Release 1.1.86 (03.08.2024)
- Add missing skeleton loader to massbook dividends dialog window
- Add progress bar/counts when finally importing detected transactions
- Optimize MIC/exchange display on shares detail page
- Fix portfolio allocation pie chart
- Fix tooltips in pie charts
- Increase test coverage for pie charts
Spatz Release 1.1.85 (25.07.2024)
- Migrate to a different provider for profile data and show several additional attributes on share details pages (sector, industry, CEO, market cap, employees, …)
- Reenable sector allocation pie chart
- Reenable industry allocation pie chart
- Determine chart currency based on available tickers and try to bring it into the best order
- Refactor company persistence
- Fix distorted home exchange icon
- Reenable editing of currency column in positions table
- Fixed bug where some transactions are not being displayed
- Removed unused code
Spatz Release 1.1.84 (21.07.2024)
- Migrate to a different provider for historical data
- Enhance quotes persistence by ticker
- Use tickers instead of ISIN whereever possible
- Display ticker in multi quotes box on share details pages
- New transcation dialog: show symbol based on selected mic and change symbol when mic changes
- Import transactions: do not show empty lines for failed files
- Show import source file in transations and dividends dialog if given
- Rename Dividenden löschen to Kosten & Erlöse löschen
- Optimize PDF readers: Targobank, Comdirect, Swissquote
- Optimize CSV readers: Coinbase, Captrader
- Handle instrument updates from exchanges
- Fix bug in mass-delete transactions and mass-delete dividends
- Wrong total deductions in dividends table
- Fix bug where bonds are not shown in allocation table
Spatz Release 1.1.83 (05.07.2024)
- Switch data sources for XFRA, XETR, XLON to new data provider
- Replace ticker bulk import
- Allow importing of compressed archives (zip files)
- Optimize importer to support multifiles CSV import (multiple CSV file in one physical file) f.e. used by Captrader & IB
- Add tax/costs currency to import dialog
- Clean up legacy code
- Use new instrument_ticker for assignement in aggregations message handler
- Use new tickers table for matching stock splits
- Handle instrument Updates from exchanges
- Fix a bug with missing bonds in allocation charts
- Translate “Loading..:“ messages to german
- Improved PDF import for:
- Consors
- Scalable
- Comdirect
- Morgenfund
- Consorsbank
- Erste Bank
- JustTrade
- Smartbroker
- Trading 212
- Bader Bank
- Haspa
- VR Bank
- Traderepublic
- Onvista
- Flatex
- VR Bank
- Kieler Volksbank
- Onvista
Spatz Release 1.1.82 (06.05.2024)
- Full IB/Captrader support
- Zip support for uploading files
- Added about 100 new PDF formats to importer
Spatz Release 1.1.81 (16.04.2024)
- Optimize suggest search performance by separating search result response from price response
- Improved chart performance by using binary search for pricemaps
- improved calculation performance by optimizing several calculation methods and removed unused leftover calculations
Fixed bugs:
- Resolved an issue where one was unable to set taxes value to zero
- Resolved an issue with histogram data of individual assets
Spatz Release 1.1.80 (13.04.2024)
- Added more columns to available columns (ISIN, WKN, Symbol, Land, Typ, Freie Notizen)
- Added Kursgewinn Max / Kursgewinn Max % to available columns
- Renamed/Shortened some columns and adjusted column widths
Fixed bugs:
- Resolved an issue where the graph was occasionally not visible in the chart
Spatz Release 1.1.79 (07.04.2024)
- Individual Assets
- Transform dividends to cashflow
- Column configuration (enable/disable columns move columns via drag&drop)
- Optimized delineation of costs between inventory and realized
- Extend selectable time periods (10y, 20y)
Fixed bugs:
- Fix skeleton loader for some cases
- Fix datepicker year selection
- Clean up UI code
Spatz Release 1.1.78 (21.03.2024)
Fixed bugs:
- Show error message when trying to save a transaction with 0 EUR costs or 0 EUR taxes
- Show error message when trying to save a position and the API returns an error
- Fix error when inline editing the date of a transcation
- Display portfolio logo in portfolio-allocation charts
- Prevent LastPass from adding icons to the search bar
- Fixed error when clicking the PLUS button on a 404 page
- Show charts even though there is only 1 datapoint
Spatz Release 1.1.77 (10.03.2024)
- Full support for precious metals (Gold, Silver, Platinum, Palladium, Zinc, Copper)
- Sort and priorize market identifier codes in MIC select box
- Adjust look and feel of benchmarks in charts
- Improve chart rendering performance
Fixed bugs:
- Handle exeception in calculation if a stock items comes with no quotes at all
- Disable absolute charts when adding benchmarks
- Link details page from chart benchmark overview
- Fix bug in small viewports with loading indicator in stock tables
- Reloading the KPI should trigger chart reload and vice versa to keep both KPI in sync
- Rtrim/trim spaces in date picker columns
Spatz Release 1.1.76 (03.03.2024)
- Added consistency checker for all portfolios
- Adjusted portfolio charts to strip leading periods without transactions
- Modified ROI/HPI to use invested capital instead of period start value
- Added capabilities to change portfolio currency in portfolio tab
- Created a new PDF importer for CoinTracking broker
- Created a new PDF importer for Nextmarket broker
- Switch all calculations to use 3 datapoints only instead of 500 when not in chart mode (and no histogram is required)
- Ask if purchase price should be update when updating transaction date
Fixed bugs:
- Fixed KPI inconsistencies and
- Fixed rendering of bonds in inline transactions table
- Repositioned delete comparison button in charts
- Added missing slugs for some crypto currencies
- Fixed details page if the item is delisted
- Added circle around company logos on hover
- Fixed tooltip for allocations
- Optimize loading performance for PERFORMANCE tab
- Fixed displaying issue after renaming a portfolio
- Hide SUBSCRIBE button after subscribing a public portfolio
- Fixed comma error in qty input fields
- Refresh portfolio table after reactivating an archived portfolio
- Fixed redirection after deleting an archived portfolio
- Fixed link structure in performance tab
- Hide options column in shared portfolio transactions tab
- Reload portfolios when clicking on already open portfolio tab
- Update subtabs of destination portfolio when moving a position to a different portfolio
- Fixed bug in Onvista Reader
- Fixed bug in Consors Reader
- Fixed bug in 1922 Reader
- Shorten qty and price column
- Show negative value sin red in allocation table and popup
- Update name in performance tab after renaming a position item
- Leave most of the columns empty when qty = 0 (watchlist item)
- Fixed broken allocation popups on small viewports
Spatz Release 1.1.75 (24.02.2024)
- Added more KPI to chart
- Improve overall response times
- Improve response time of performance-tab
- Changed dashboard → performance to show HPI instead of NAV change
- Added links to subtabs to make browser-back-button work
- Add currency selector in dashboard → portfolio table
- Add circle/hover to company logos
- Move PLUS button (for adding portfolios) to the left
- Rename “1T” to “HEUTE”
- Filter dividends table by selected time period
Fixed bugs:
- Update portfolio name in dashboard-performance tab when renaming a portfolio
- Fixed some minor issues in KPI calculation engine
- Fixed bonds totals in inline-transactions table
- Fixed position of delete button in comparison charts
- Fixed PDF importer: Morgenfund
- Prevent lastpass from adding icons to the searchbar
- After renaming a portfolio, the renamed portfolio and the dashboard tabs are highlighted together
- After deleting a archived portfolio, I got redirected to the dashboard chart tab
- Options column in shared portfolios is visible in transaction tab
- Fixed “no items” message in realized tab
- Fixed “no dividends” message in dividends tab
- Shorten names in HPI popup to avoid line breaks
- Value popup: Show negative values in red
Spatz Release 1.1.74 (29.01.2024)
New features
- Completely rewritten the KPI calculation engine
- Introduced new PDF library for importing all kind of PDF data (including encrypted files)
- Added several readers for PDF types (1822, Commerzbank, DKB, Swissquote, ING Diba, Consors, Scalable, Bitpanda, GLS, Bawak, Comdirect, DeGiro, Trade Republic, finanze.nnet, Onvista)
- Added ignorable files to importer to avoid getting errors when uploading not relevant documents
- Added new KPI to all data tables
- Make data tables dependent on selected timeframe
- Added tooltips with explanations of calculated KPI
- Added finAPI capabilities to import multiple accounts from the same bank to different spatz portfolios
- Added news for crypto currencies on details page
- Added skeleton loading indicators where they were missing
- Added sums below all data tables
- Avoid expensive „portfolios“ call for ui widgets which do only need a limited set of portfolio attributes
- Made the timeframe selector sticky
- Added “Systemnachrichten”
- Wrapped all relevant links in A tags to allow opening items in a new tab using right click
- Added validation to feedback form
- Full support for bonds (with relative prices)
- Added e2e tests for the complete UI
- Added mass delete for dividends
- Persist selected year in dividends tab in local storage
- Currency selector: priorize often used currencies
Fixed Bugs:
- Fixed inaccuracies in crypto prices
- Fixed several CSV imports
- Fixed bug in allocation pie charts
- Consecutive position requests must terminate previous position requests
- Fixed: adjustedClose is not recalculated when a future stocksplit reaches today
- Fixed: Expired finAPI Web Forms keep being presented to the user
- Fixed bug with reverse splits
- Remove click event from empty transactions row
- Remove hover/pointer from dashboard performances
- Values not refreshing when changing currency in buy dialog
- Verkaufswert and Verkaufskurs changes currency symbol to portfolio currency
- Dividend tab is shown in empty portfolio until clicking on it
- Fixed BUSD/USDT forex rates
- Changing portfolio currency is not triggering refresh
- Create portfolio button not working on feedback page
- Optimize currency select dialog
- Some dialogs are not confirmable with Enter key
- Sometimes account delete fails
Spatz Release 1.1.71 (22.10.2023)
New features:
- Portfolio positions can be renamed now
- Add infos about current stocks to stock details page
- Add Sell/Buy buttons to stock details page
- Redesign create/edit transaction dialog window
- Enhancing Asset Management in the „Bestand“ Tab for Improved User Experience
- Display „Transaktionen“ Table in the „Bestand“ Tab When Clicking on „Stück“
- Enable inline-editing of currency on bestands table
- Show a success message indicating that the position has been added to the portfolio
- Add video to landingpage and to signup page
- Add help videos to create-portfolio dialog
- Integrate helpcenter with help videos
- Refactor dividends overview
- Full support for bonds now, added 50.000 bonds to database, allow relative quotes in percent, add additional KPI to details page (Coupon, Stückelung, Ausgabedatum, Laufzeit)
- Did a full update of all instruments with followup updates nightly (instrument types, coupons, etc)
- Add copy icon to ISIN/WKN on details page
- Update OAuth Buttons to New Design
- Add skeleton loader for details page
- Add skeleton loader for asset allocation page
- Add Create-Portfolio button to details page
- Refactor/Redesign “Move position to target portfolio”
New features mobile app:
- News section
Fixed bugs:
- Bestands-Table is loaded twice
- Three dots missing if name is cut in transactions list
- Long names in search results are cut and there is no hover
- Name column in realized tab is cut too early
- Reduce width of MIC column and increase width of name column in transactions tab
- Fix wrong column alignment for import transactions
- Errormessage after login with wrong credentials is not hiding after 10 seconds
- Fixed a bug in move-position when a similar position already exists in target portfolio
- Currency logos are distorted
- Company logo in bestands table was not clickable
- Fixed instrument type placeholder for bonds
- Add instrument type fallback logos to search results
- Book dividends failes when name of share is too long
- Importer:
- Flatex reader mixes up ISINS for multi transactions documents
- Optimize Importer for: Consorsbank,, ING Diba, Justtrade, Onvista, Scalable, Targobank, Parqet, DKB, Smartbroker, Comdirect, Cortalconsors, Divvy, Bison, VR Bank
- Create new reader for: Vanguard
Spatz Release 1.1.70 (10.09.2023)
New Features:
- Publish goSpatz Companion App for IOS and Android
- Spatz now provides automatic Broker synchronization via FinAPI (= Live Portfolios)
- Spatz provides payment support for premium features with 14 days trial with customer portal and invoices
- Redesigned portfolio-creation dialog to improve user experience
- Add info popup for HPI with detailed information and calculation base
- Highlight the „Total“ row in the „Bestand“ and „Realisiert“ tab
- Change the placeholder text in the searchbar of the „Bestand“ tab
- Load stock performance in realtime
Fixed bugs:
- Fixed wrong KPI date in totals bar
- SEO improvements
- Exchange logo shows only placeholders in transactions table
- Share logo missing in transactions table
- Edit line should not cover logo column
- Stock exchange logo is not aligned in transactions table on bestand tab
- Company logo is not aligned in transaktionen anlegen modal
- Create logo for own portfolio in comparison chart
- Swap „Type“ Column with „Date“ Column in the Realized Table
- Logo missing in allocation -> constituents
- Exchange logo missing in tansactions -> handelsplatz
- Show instrument type dependent fallback image
- import: Add validation for empty purchase price to transactions validator
- When deleting a portfolio the tab does not disappear
Spatz Release 1.1.68 (12.07.2023)
- Calculate performance tab for single stocks in realtime (instead of precalculating them nightly)
- Add percentage of deductions to dividends table
- Create CSV importer for Bitvavo
- Rename GESAMT to MAX
- Fix issue with Google Login
- Fix wrong aligment of placeholder logos
- Show infinity for performance only in relative mode
- Fix Samsung Chart
- Create logos for commodities
- Create missing currency logos
- Add alt tags to images
- Add exchange logos
- Fix logos on mobile view
Spatz Release 1.1.68 (29.062023)
- Switch to a new news provider
Spatz Release 1.1.67 (24.06.2023)
- Add logos to shares, indices and cryptos
- Move all images to CDN
- Add “Max”/”Gesamt” to KPI/charts
- Extend selectable time periods
- Add URL to companies and details page
- Add logos to exchanges
- Fix edge case in Flatex PDF import
- Fix edge case in Scalable PDF import
- Fix bug which shows to charts on some cases
- Fix bug in google signup
Spatz Release 1.1.66 (13.06.2023)
- Fix Bug: Sometimes the chart is not loaded
- Keep prompt in searchbar on refocus
- Add vertical scrolling capabilities to allocation popup
- Fix edge case in PDF import for Onvista
- Fix edge case in PDF import for 1822direkt
- Fix edge case in PDF import for DeGiro
- Fix edge case in PDF import for Flatex
- KPI bar is not refreshing after moving a position to another portfolio
Spatz Release 1.1.65 (29.05.2023)
- Full support of stock splits, reverse splits and ISIN changes automatic calculation for past transactions (and migration of existing positions)
- Optimize PDF import for
- Flatex
- DeGiro
- Onvista
- Max Blue
- Targobank
- Morgenfund
- Ing Diba
- Optimize CSV import foir
- Comdirect
- Consors
- Haspa
- Scalable
- Swissquote
- Traderepublic
Spatz Release 1.1.64 (24.03.2023)
- Redesign totals bar
- Add “Portfoliowert”
- Add “Holistic Performance Index” (HPI)
- Redesign info popups in totals bar
Add $/% switches to header
- Redesign “Realisiert” tab
- Add dividends dashboard including bar chart and monthly income
- Optimize chart periods (optimize date calculation and add more tie periods)
- Add taxes/costs to mass book dividends dialog window
- Calculate the owning qty for each share for the payout date (API)
- Show only dividends for timeperiod the user owned the underlying share (API)
- Import dialog: Show number of identified and not identified transactions
- Push IOS/Android app into public beta
- Fix bug: After deleting a transaction from bestand tab, it does not disappear from table
- Fix bug: Sometimes r.bus is undefined
- Fix bug: Refresh totals after booking dividends
- Fix bug: PDF reader unable to import some traderepublic documents
- Fix bug: PDF reader unable to import some flatex documents
- Fix bug: PDF reader unable to import some smartbroker documents
- Fix bug: Info icon has to be clicked multiple times
- Fix bug: Unable to save dividends on dashboard
Spatz Release 1.1.63 (10.03.2023)
- A lot of mobile optimizations
- Create FAQ and add screen records of major actions like import portfolios, book dividends, etc.
- Optimize skeleton loader for totals bar
- Persist state of timeperiod selector
- Hide qty, purchase price etc for watchlist items (shares with qty = 0)
- Fix sync issue with new totals bar
- Fix issues with signup message and confirmation link
- Improve PDF reader
- Wait until chart is loading to switch loading flag
- Send null data to KPIs if chart fails
- Translate paginator to german language
- Buy/Sell column was cut in transactions tab
- Inline-editing error messages did not disappear after 10 seconds
- Import validation errormessage did not disappear after 10 seconds
- Large numbers were cut in realized table
- Align headlines in dividends table
- Center text on import dialog
- Create algorithm for IRR und TWROR
- Fix font in “Aktuelle Kurse” widget
- Fix padding between rightbar boxes on the details page
- Do not show infinite skeleton loaders if a chart call fails
- Hide “Not enough datapoints” while a chart is loading
- Optimize allocation tab
- Refactor refreshing of expired JWT to improve stability
- Fix CSV column mapping
- Show server messages in create-dividend dialog if validation fails
Spatz Release 1.1.62 (02.03.2023)
- Redesign totals bar
- Improve refreshing of expired Json Web Token (JWT), refactor authentication handling
- Optimiza allocation pie charts, use different shades of violet, combine small pies to “Sonstiges”
- Mobile optimization: Fix several issues in smaller viewports
- Create a special case for firefox when cancelling API requests
- Add totals to dividends tables
- Add totals to realized tables
- Fix handling of timezones when creating/updating transactions
- Remove slide group prev div causing CLS
- Better handling of missing quotes in portfolio charts
- Better identification of chart draw downs
- Fix handling of negative taxes in PDF importer
- Enable three-step forex conversion
- Add special usecase testings
- Make realized totals depending on selected timeframe and add unit tests
- Add realized costs / taxes (and sums) to the API response
- Forex: Also cache negative responses
- Add new broker logos to import dialog
- Improve PDF/CSV importer for
- Flatex
- Bader Bank
- Scalable
- Swissquote
- Smartbroker
- Traderepublic
Spatz Release 1.1.61 (13.02.2023)
- Change currency values to use ISO3 codes instead of symbol (except chart axis due to limited space)
- Add social bookmarks to footer
- Fix typo on landingpage (etwss)
- Reduce size of similar shares on details pages
- Fix success message after signup confirmation
- Check request cancel, ignore irrelevant currency change
- Context-aware text in currency-change dialog
Spatz Release 1.1.60 (12.02.2023)
- Multicurrency support for portfolios (set the currency for each portfolio individually)
- Multicurrency support for account (set the dashboard currency for the whole account)
- Create documentation in blog how to handle currencies
- Add “Investierte Fonds” box to details page
- Show currency symbol instead of ISO3 code wherever currencies are displayed
- Disable “Book dividends” button if no dividend is checked
- Add apple touch icon
- Improve online-editing activator canvas to cover full width
- Reduce lazy loading of top images
- Show performance tab in watchlist mode
- Add missing broker logos do import dialog window
- Fix link target of back-to-login-link after successful signup
- Do not break words on details pages
- Add jobs page to footer
- SEO:
- Improve price contrast
- Add alt tags to landing page images
- Avoid layout shifts (LCD) while loading on landing page
- Fix dashboard page title
- Optimize links to funds
- Mobile optimization
- Fix subtabs hardly accessable on small devices error
- Fix dividends delete button missing
- Fix paddings between boxes
Spatz Release 1.1.59 (07.02.2023)
- Dividend mass booking: Send all bookings in one request instead of one by one, to increase performance and stability
- Improve dividend handling on backend side, add unit-, integration and application tests to ensure stability
- Increase price contrast for details pages
- Add alt attributes to all landingpage images
- Optimize image sizes on landing page
- Keep aspect ratios
- Avoid layout shifts
- Improve inline editing for dividends, enlarge editable fields to cover full width
- Add image preloading
- Restore delete button for dividends
- Adjust dividends table actions sizing
- Fix singup back-to-login link
- Fix dashboard page title
- Adjusted links from fund positions to details pages
- Fix subtabs not accessable on small devices
- Fix padding between Stammdaten and Splits
- Adjust dividend form validation
- Remove dividend form duplicated auto focus
- Fix store mutation
- Create “Invested Funds” box an details page
Spatz Release 1.1.58 (02.02.2023)
- Add/Fix canonicals
- Add accesable names to buttons
- Do not round qty/price values while importing
- h1 should be rendered SSR
- Replace double slash by one slash in URL
- make [aria-*] attributes to match their roles
- avoid line break in totals on small devices
- add h1 tag to signup page
- Improve foreground/background contrast
- optimize page titles, page descriptions and h1 tag
- optimize a lot of SEO stuff
- avoid border cutting
- share details page must use pageTitle from API response instead of generating it by themselves
- Fix lazy loading for images not in viewport
- Set explicit width/height for images on landingpage
- Add “Aktiensplit melden” to feedback form
- fix alignment of columns/values in import dialog
Spatz Release 1.1.57 (29.01.2023)
- Switch to Nuxt.JS framework and enable Server-Side-Rendering (SSR) for share details pages to get the details pages into the google index
- Fix race condition in duplication check when importing the same transactions twice
- Improve crypto coin detection when importing CSV files
- Disable Xetra PDS because they do not any data anymore
Spatz Release 1.1.56 (13.01.2023)
- Connect London Stock Exchange (LSE/XLON) as data provider
- Consider lunch time break in NIKKEI monitoring (11:30am-12:30am)
- Consider delayed data in current-quotes-present-check command
- Add monitoring for wrong index data (index quotes with currency != IDX)
- Add API endpoint for generating XML sitemaps for all instruments
Spatz Release 1.1.55 (26.12.2022)
- Add structured data to page source to provide more relevant information to google
- Add twitter card tags to page source to improve sharing via twitter
- Add open graph tags to page source to improve sharing via facebook
- Add DNS prefetching for external resources to improve page load time
- Add “Weitere Aktien” box to details page which shows similar shares to improve inner page link quality
- Add titles to footer links
Spatz Release 1.1.54 (22.12.2022)
- Improve exposed details page markup to solve google crawling result issues
- Fix google pagespeed issue: Links must have discernible text
- Fix google pagespeed issue: Ensure text remains visible during webfont load
- Fix google pagespeed issue: Background and foreground colors do not have a sufficient contrast ratio
- Fix google pagespeed issue: Buttons do not have an accessible name
- Fix google pagespeed issue: Add caching policy to local web fonts
- e2e tests: Upoad virtual browser videos when tests fail to give developers a clue what went wrong
- Add redirection for pages w/o trailing slash to avoid having duplicate content from a google perspective
Spatz Release 1.1.53 (21.12.2022)
- Exposed share details pages to the public
- Added tesla deails page to sitemap to test and check google crawling results
- Use canonical tags for pages with and without trailing slash (SEO)
- Landingpage: Put teaser text into h1 tags (SEO)
- Landingpage: Add alt tag to images (SEO)
- Add h1 tag and title to signup page (SEO)
- Improve foreground/background contrast to make google page speed happy (SEO)
- Call last-transactions asynchronously to improve page load performance
- Stabilize e2e tests
Spatz Release 1.1.52 (19.12.2022)
- Rename imprint & privacy to impressum and datenschutz, update sitemap and move these pages to wordpress for easier maintenance & seo
- Optimize blog post titles and add google friendly keywords
- Add all page URLs to spatz page footer
- Enable gzip compression for all static assets
- Optimize nginx reverse proxy parameter for better passthrough of wordpress pages and enable caching
- Optimize SEO stuff in general
- Load google fonts locally (and not from CDN)
- Generate details page slugs as preparation for exposing details page to the public
Spatz Release 1.1.51 (16.12.2022)
- Enable transparent proxying for blog and make blog available at (instead of to keep google juice on the domain
- Remove unused pages from wordpress (archive pages, category pages, page 2, author pages etc) which may confuse google
- Add robots.txt file to
- Add search console file to
- Optimize sitemap.xml
- Fix typo in meta description
- Remove unnecessary sort statement from transactions endpoint (sorting is done on client side in data table) to improve page load performance
- Optimize query-transactions call, reduce response time from 1,5s to 100ms, to improve page load performance
- Right align currency values in dividends table
- Refresh tab content when clicking on tab title
- Landingpage: Set an explicit width and height on image elements to reduce layout shifts and improve CLS
- Add caching policy for static assets (images, js, css, …) to improve page load performance
Spatz Release 1.1.50 (15.12.2022)
- Integrated new data provider for dividends for german stocks and LSE stocks. Very high coverage now back to 1960
- Support for dividends in different currencies (CAD, CHF, …)
- Optimize dividends table on shares details page
- Optimize bulk size when fetching dividends
- Fix wrong filename for portfolio exports
- Import dialog: Selected textContent instead of innerHTML to avoid copying HTML and CSS on inline editing fields
- Found and fixed a bug where zeros are converted to negative zeros when selecting transaction type SELL
- Found and fixed bug where brokerTransactionId was not being sent to the server
- Remove not required expensive “/api/portfolio” calls to increase overall page performance
Spatz Release 1.1.49 (13.12.2022)
- Import dialog: Make headline sticky
- Switch to commercial US data provider license
- Redraw chart after adding benchmark to avoid distortions
- Fix for: Chart requests wrong currency from API
- Add dividends to portfolio export
- Optimize Spatz export
- Add CSV import adapter for Spatz exports
Spatz Release 1.1.48 (12.12.2022)
- Fix encoding issues with Hypo-Vereinsbank CSV files
- Upgrade dividends API from V2 to V3
- Add dividend monitoring
- Optimize grown dividends data table for faster access
- Fix bug in dividend rendering on share details page
- Fix missing auth handler in password change and email change
- Remove strange, flickering element when clicking on create-portfolio
- Remove redirection from → since the login page is part of the landingpage
- Fix page title for landingpage
- Import dialog: Show negative quantities in red
- Import dialog: Allow change of transaction type (buy, sell, dividend)
- Optimize e2e tests
Spatz Release 1.1.47 (11.12.2022)
- Add CSV importer for ErsteBank Wien
- Add CSV importer for Consors Transaction List
- Add CSV importer for Divvy depots
- Add CSV importer for BISON
- Add CSV importer for Coinbase
- Add CSV importer for Bitpanda
- Add switch “prefereCrypto”
Spatz Release 1.1.46 (10.12.2022)
- Add CSV importer for ExtraETF
- Add CSV importer for MyDividends24
- Separate transaction type from “transaction” into “buy”, “sell” and “dividend” while importing
- Autodetect qty w/o modifiers
Spatz Release 1.1.45 (09.12.2022)
- Optimized several CSV import adapters
- Comdirect (transaction-list export)
- JustTrade
- VR Bank
Spatz Release 1.1.44 (08.12.2022)
- Make CSV import more safe
- Optimized several CSV import adapters
Spatz Release 1.1.43 (07.12.2022)
- Import of all instruments from
- London Stock Exchange (LSE)
- Six Group Swiss (SMI)
- Fix bug with currency handling in charts
- Move MIC from positions to transactions
- Fix some bugs in CSV imports
- Show DELISTING status on details page for delisted instruments
- Optimize wording
Spatz Release 1.1.42 (27.11.2022)
- New feature: Portfolio export (CSV)
- Further optimization of SQL queries to improve overall response time
- Disable pagination on performance tab
- Fix hover color issue on scroll arrow
- Performance tab: Show dash on empty value
- Elasticseach: Query quotes in 1000er chunks for large portfolios to avoid bucket-too-large errors
- Make upload dialog cancelable
- Performance tab is synchronized to current stocks/portfolios
Spatz Release 1.1.37 / 1.1.38 / 1.1.39 / 1.1.40 / 1.1.41 (21.11.2022)2022)
- Improve several import interfaces (CSV, PDF, …)
- Attaching stocks do indices
- Manual revision of stock names for all constituents of S&P500, NASDAQ 100, DAX, TecDAX, MDAX, SDAX
- Manual check/update historical data for all constituents of S&P500, NASDAQ 100, DAX, TecDAX, MDAX, SDAX
- Add better validation for imported transactions
- Replace default portfolios after signup by linked portfolios and replace all existing default portfolios by links (significant reduction of table size)
- Persist only USD quotes from binance (significant reduction of index size)
- HomebaseQuotes: Return USD for stable coins
- Remove not needed call to portfolios API from homepage
- Render dividends if any after import
- Stabilize pipelines
- Set max width for importer cell contents
- Fixed import row error border + emptied field issue
- Upload CSV/PDF files individually / one by one
- Manual revision of stock names for all constituents of NASDAQ Composite, Russell 2000, WIG 20
- Manual check/update historical data for all constituents of NASDAQ Composite, Russell 2000, WIG 20
- Add monitoring for broken historic charts for all indices constituents
- Archive portfolios feature, restrict deletion of positions with transactions, unarchive
- Feedback-Channel
- Fix bug in performance calculation
- Do not show 0 in performance calculation
- Do not report wrong filename in import dialog if one file fails under some circumstances
- Add purchasePrice validation to import dialog
- Columns in import dialog table should not break out
- Do not show chart if there are too less datapoints
- Show historic charts in homebase currency. If there are no datapoints in homebase currency fall back to USD or EUR
- Fix wrong currency on y axis for fallback cases
- Show dividends tab if there are dividends but no transactions
- Remove unnecessary API calls
- Remove leftover skeleton loaders for a none existing element
- Optimize SQL queries to increase overall response time
- Fix: Chart and total inconsistencies
- Fix: Total and Einstiegswert are not the same
- Fix: Chart and total inconsistencies
- Fix: Total value empty for subscribed charts
- Optimize handling of fetching instruments by ISIN (performance)
- Optimize instrument repository
- Optimize performance calculation
- Add unique index to instrument identifier
- Remove Chart Jumps
- Deduplicate instruments
- Call /portfolios/deleted only once
- Restore Portfolio: Refresh missing
- Refresh KPIs after transactions change
- Refresh missing after mass delete transactions
Spatz Release 1.1.36 (15.10.2022)
- Optimize importer:
- Add additional dialog window and let user edit extracted transactions before adding them to the database
- Resolve ISIN by symbol, WKN or name if ISIN is empty
- Fix issues in PDF importer for Consors, Cortal Consors, Baader Bank, Scalable
- Optimize CSV import for Portfolio Performance
- Launch Spatz Blog
- Fix bug in calculating performance values
- New Share-Portfolio logic in UI and hide shared portfolio in search for none-publishers
- Hide positions with existing transactions and total qty = 0 in Bestandsliste
- Only show „Keine Dividenden gefunden“ when there are no dividends, not while loading
- Add ISIN to transaction in database (not only to position)
- Fix issue with crypto prices and currency conversoin
- Fix issue when massbooking dividends (some dividends were not found)
- Remove difference between totals (invested value/current value) and totals in table sum
Spatz Release 1.1.35 (14.09.2022)
– Provider Portfolio Performance import capabilities for localized csv files
Spatz Release 1.1.34 (12.09.2022)
– Fix jumps in long term charts
Spatz Release 1.1.33 (07.09.2022)
- Support stock splits
- Improve mobile usability of tabs
- Restore logged-in/logged-out message
- Scroll into positions in transactions view
- Margin to slider btn to avoid bg being cut
- Optimize PDF reader JustTrade
Spatz Release 1.1.32 (04.09.2022)
- Massbooking of dividends
- only show dividends you are eligible for (you owned the underlying at payout date)
- calculate underlying quantities for payout date, not for current date
- consider already booked quantities (f.e. you already booked dividends for 2 but owned 10 at payout date, the suggested qty is 8)
Spatz Release 1.1.31 (03.09.2022)
- Group ISINS from different exchanges to one unfoldable position
- Show deleted portfolios on dashboard portfolios tab
- Undelete portfolio
- Permanently delete portfolio
- Replace PLUS button by stylish icon
- Fix background shadow in portfolio tabs
- Avoid having duplicate portfolio names when renaming a portfolio
- Uptimized PDF readers for
- Scalable
- Bitavo
- Comdirect
- Commerzbank
- Deutsche Bank
- Flatex
- ING Diba
- Just Tradfe
- Onvista
Spatz Release 1.1.30 (27.08.2022)
- New landing page
- Add totals selector and timeframes to totals
- Add allocation pie for portfolios to dashboard
- Improve CSV/PDF importer for
- Trade Republic
- Captrader
- Coinbase
- Onvista
- Comdirect
- Make PLUS button sticky
- Fix typo “Passwort zurücksetzen”
- For dashboard context: Rename „Bestand“ to „Portfolios“
Spatz Release 1.1.29 (17.08.2022)
- New sub navigation layout
- Minor layout changes
- Move public/private switch to navigation bar
- Add timeselector switch to totals
- Fix saving-currency error
- Add 8 new stocks
- Portfolio overiew table broken on small devices
- Details page: scroll navigation tabs to the left
- Force reload on outdated client version
Spatz Release 1.1.28 (08.08.2022)
- Performance View: Link portfolio names to corresponding tabs, link positions to shares details pages
- Performance View: Do not show deleted positions
- Improve runtime for performance precalculation by moving processes to rabbitmq consumer
- Remove shared portfolios from add-share-to-portfolio dialog window (which caused a permission denied error in the past)
- Fix bug in Drag&Drop import
- Improve monitoring for crypto quotes
- “Du wurdest ausgeloggt” messages did not appear anymore
- Disable inactive crypto pairs
- Allow currency change of new cryptos
- Transactions tab throws error if instrumentType is null
- Viewing of shared portfolios does not work if there are no own portfolios
- Increase click sensitivity for logout button
- Avoid background scrolling while in dialog windows
- Controlbar hidden on 15 inches displays in dividends window: Now scrollable
- Fixed swissquote CSV import
- Fixed errors in some Consors PDF import files
- Do not show subscribed portfolio in dashboard table
- Error message not visible when adding more than 10 comparison graphs to chart
- Dividends: Fix hover class for editable columns
- Fix cut panel tab message
- Show “Keine Portfolios vorhanden” message if there are no portfolios at all
Spatz Release 1.1.27 (05.08.2022)
- Add new performance tab
- Remove shared portfolios from add-share-to-portfolio (lead to permission error)
- Inline editing: When moving the mouse away input field should still be underlined
- Übersicht button is cut off in chrome
- Show a 404 page if ISIN is not found on details page
- ÜBERSICHT button not aligned
- Portfolio Dashboard: Remove items with 0 values
- Improved Consors PDF import
Spatz Release 1.1.26 (31.07.2022)
- Connected binance as quote supplier for crypto currencies
- Loaded all 505 binance crypto currencies to spatz
- Fix monitoring commands
Spatz Release 1.1.25 (25.07.2022)
- Keep user logged in until they explicitly logout
- Fix inconsistency in caching firebase public keys
- Add missing sort capabilities for subscribed portfolios
- Share details page: Show 404 page if ISIN does not exist
- Close burger menu after clicking on an item
- Keep underline while inline editing
- Show comparison graph in chart immediately
- Fix padding in overview tab
- Restore and optimize discord logo
Spatz Release 1.1.24 (21.07.2022)
– Fix ChangePassword feature
Spatz Release 1.1.23 (20.07.2022)
- New feature: Mass book dividends
- eMail change: re-authenticate user if last login is too long ago (requirement by firebase)
Spatz Release 1.1.22 (19.07.2022)
– Add re-authentication to change email address
Spatz Release 1.1.21 (18.07.2022)
- Implement email change via firebase
- Remove inline-editing hover for shared portfolios
- Fix bug when JWT expires (refresh token if possible or redirect to login page)
Spatz Release 1.1.20 (15.07.2022)
- Enable inline editing for dividends table
- Remove leftover email attribute from account table
- Completely removed Account API endpoint since it is no longer needed
- Fix PDF reader issues with
- Consors
- ING-DiBa
- Onvista
- Fix CSV reader issues with
- Swissquote
- Traderepublic
Spatz Release 1.1.19 (13.07.2022)
- Move user authentication/management to external user provider (google firebase)
- Remove all personal data (name, firstname, email) from spatz database to external database (google firestore)
- Implement password reset, password change with firebase
- Create new dividend feature
- PDF importer for brokers dividend PDFs
- Show only self-created dividends
- Add/Edit/Delete dividends
- Fixed several minor layout flaws
- Make delete transaction the default choice when removing portfolios
- Avoid JWT error message on expired token
- Implement CSV import or improve CSV import for
- Trading 212
- ING Diba
- Portfolio Performance
- Traderepublic Sparpläne
- Aktienfreunde
- Bison
- Binance
- Coinbase
- Comdirect
- Consors
- Bitpanda
- Baader Bank
- Smartbroker
- Onvista
- Implement PDF import or improve PDF import for
- ING Diba (wrong fees extraction)
- Allgemeine Deutsche Direktbank
- Targo Bank
- Erste Bank
- Auto remove error messages after 10 seconds
- Remove shared Portfolios from comparison graph (was not implemented and led to errors)
Spatz Release 1.1.18 (12.07.2022)
– Inline-Editing for Dividends
Spatz Release 1.1.17 (21.06.2022)
- Switched from API key to Json Web Token (JWT)
- Switch to new ChartAPI microservice
- Added shares piechart
- Optimized CSV import for: Scalable, JustTrade, EasyBank, Flatex, Consors, Swissquote, Onvista, Berliner Volksbank, Smartbroker, VRBank, ING Diba, Haspa, SBroker, BAWAK PSK, Kieler Volksbank
- Optimized PDF import for: SmartBroker, Onvista, ING Diba, ErsteBank
- Added new tradingplace gettex
- Bottom line is not refreshed affter moving a position
- Increased clickable area for select boxes
- Removed scrollbars from create-portfolio windows for older browsers
- Hide useless data on details page for currencies
- Avoid having duplicate portfolio names on account level
- Fix icon in watchlist mode
- Fix viewport in data tables
- Auto remove error messages after 10 seconds
- Add BETA to dividends