Action · DE000A0Z2Y48 · A0Z2Y4 (XFRA)
Pas de cours
Jour | Semaine | Mois | 3 mois | 6 mois | 1 an | 5 ans |
- | - | - | - | 0,00 % | -90,42 % | -97,13 % |
Profil de l'entreprise pour VERIANOS SE Action
Verianos SE, an independent real estate merchant banking company, provides investment and advisory solutions for family offices, high net worth individuals, institutional investors, financial institutions, and fund managers. The company offers product and strategy development services; investment management services, including structuring of investment vehicles and products, devising of corporate structures, financial/ fund modelling, and controlling and reporting; capital raising and debt finance services, such as equity and debt, equity placement / capital raising for investment products, financing of assets and portfolios, and financial engineering; and transaction management services, including properties and securitized claims, sourcing and acquisition, asset due diligences, and brokerage services. It also provides asset management services, such as lease, tenant, contract, and in house asset management; and construction management services, including in house property development, feasibility studies, obtaining of planning permits, and redevelopment and refurbishment of existing properties, as well as provides financial and consultancy services. In addition, the company engages in the development and structuring of investment products, as well as the active management of the underlying assets. The company was formerly known as Verianos Real Estate AG. Verianos SE was incorporated in 1991 and is headquartered in Cologne, Germany.
Données de l'entreprise
Société Verianos SE
Site web https://www.verianos.com
Marché d'origine

Type de titre Action
Secteur Real Estate
Industrie Real Estate - Services
PDG Mr. Diego Fernández Reumann
Pays Allemagne
Devise EUR
Employés 0,0 T
Adresse GUerzenichstrasse 21, 50676 Cologne
Date d'introduction en bourse 2007-12-21
Symboles boursiers
Nom | Symbole |
Frankfurt | VROS.F |
Autres actions
Les investisseurs qui détiennent VERIANOS SE ont également les actions suivantes dans leur portefeuille :
La plateforme financière MoneyPeak suit et analyse les investissements et les portefeuilles.
Du dépôt de titres à l'achat de crypto.
Utile, simple et gratuit. Actions, ETF, ETC, ETN, indices, fonds, obligations, certificats, devises, options, droits de souscription.
Utile, simple et gratuit. Actions, ETF, ETC, ETN, indices, fonds, obligations, certificats, devises, options, droits de souscription.