US7835547933 - RYCIX (XNAS)
Rydex Consumer Products Fund Class Investor Fonds
Pas de cours
Heute | Woche | Monat | 3 Monate | 6 Monate | 1 Jahr | 5 Jahre |
- | - | 0,00 % | 0,00 % | 1,93 % | 3,95 % | -17,80 % |
Firmenprofil zu Rydex Consumer Products Fund Class Investor Fonds
The investment seeks capital appreciation. Under normal circumstances, the fund invests substantially all (at least 80%) of its net assets in equity securities of Consumer Products Companies that are traded in the United States and in derivatives, which primarily consist of futures contracts and options on securities, futures contracts, and stock indices. It may invest to a significant extent in the securities of Consumer Products Companies that have small to mid-sized capitalizations.
Unternehmensdaten zum Rydex Consumer Products Fund Class Investor Fonds
Name Rydex Consumer Products Fund Class Investor
Firma Rydex Consumer Products Fund Class Investor
Symbol RYCIX
ISIN US7835547933
Wertpapierart Fonds
Sektor Financial Services
Branche Asset Management
Marktkapitalisierung 55 Mio
Land Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika
Währung USD
Mitarbeiter -
Adresse Rydex Series Funds,
IPO Datum 1998-07-06
Dividenden von 'Rydex Consumer Products Fund Class Investor'
Ex-Datum | Dividende pro Aktie |
12.12.2023 | 0,88 USD |
20.12.2022 | 0,62 USD |
08.12.2021 | 0,62 USD |
09.12.2020 | 0,73 USD |
10.12.2019 | 0,76 USD |
11.12.2018 | 0,80 USD |
12.12.2017 | 0,44 USD |
15.11.2016 | 0,58 USD |
17.11.2015 | 0,49 USD |
18.11.2014 | 0,25 USD |
Ticker Symbole
Name | Symbol |
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