Action · US54300N1037 · LBPH (XNAS)
Pas de cours
Jour | Semaine | Mois | 3 mois | 6 mois | 1 an | 5 ans |
- | - | - | 0,00 % | 72,20 % | 197,47 % | 260,54 % |
Profil de l'entreprise pour LONGBOARD PHARMACEUTICALS INC Action
Longboard Pharmaceuticals, Inc., a clinical-stage biopharmaceutical company, focuses on developing transformative medicines for neurological diseases. The company's lead product candidate is LP352, which is in a Phase 1b/2a clinical trial for the treatment of seizures associated with developmental and epileptic encephalopathies. Its preclinical product candidates include LP659 and LP143, which focuses on developing therapies for multiple neurological diseases. The company was formerly known as Arena Neuroscience, Inc. and changed its name to Longboard Pharmaceuticals, Inc. in October 2020. Longboard Pharmaceuticals, Inc. was incorporated in 2020 and is based in La Jolla, California.
Données de l'entreprise
Société Longboard Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
Symbole LBPH
Site web https://www.longboardpharma.com
Marché d'origine

ISIN US54300N1037
Type de titre Action
Secteur Healthcare
Industrie Biotechnology
PDG Mr. Kevin R. Lind
Capitalisation boursière 2 Mrd.
Pays États-Unis d'Amérique
Devise USD
Employés 0,1 T
Adresse 4275 Executive Square, 92037 La Jolla
Date d'introduction en bourse 2021-03-12
Symboles boursiers
Nom | Symbole |
Autres actions
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La plateforme financière MoneyPeak suit et analyse les investissements et les portefeuilles.
Du dépôt de titres à l'achat de crypto.
Utile, simple et gratuit. Actions, ETF, ETC, ETN, indices, fonds, obligations, certificats, devises, options, droits de souscription.
Utile, simple et gratuit. Actions, ETF, ETC, ETN, indices, fonds, obligations, certificats, devises, options, droits de souscription.