IsoPlexis Corporation
Action · US4650051067 · ISO (XNAS)
Pas de cours
Jour | Semaine | Mois | 3 mois | 6 mois | 1 an | 5 ans |
- | - | - | - | 0,00 % | 0,00 % | -93,39 % |
Profil de l'entreprise pour IsoPlexis Corporation Action
IsoPlexis Corporation, a life sciences company, provides solutions for the development of curative medicines and personalized therapeutics in the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, Belgium, France, the Czech Republic, Spain, Germany, Sweden, Italy, Israel, Switzerland, China and Taiwan, Singapore, Japan, Australia, and Korea. The company offers single cell proteomics platform, including instruments, chip consumables, and software that provides an end-to-end solution to view of protein function at an individual cellular level. It provides IsoLight and IsoSpark instruments; IsoCode chips that offer multiplexed chip solutions for single cell functional proteomics; CodePlex chips that provide multiplexed solutions for ultra-low volume bulk samples; and IsoSpeak software that offers dimensional data and automates analysis with an intuitive push button user interface to deliver same day single cell and bulk proteome visualizations, as well as research support and services, and post-warranty services. The company was incorporated in 2013 and is based in Branford, Connecticut.
Données de l'entreprise
Nom IsoPlexis Corporation
Société IsoPlexis Corporation
Symbole ISO
Site web https://isoplexis.com
Marché d'origine

ISIN US4650051067
Type de titre Action
Secteur Healthcare
Industrie Medical - Devices
PDG Mr. Sean Mackay
Capitalisation boursière 30 Mio
Pays États-Unis d'Amérique
Devise USD
Employés 0,3 T
Adresse 35 NE Industrial Road, 06405 Branford
Date d'introduction en bourse 2021-10-08
Symboles boursiers
Nom | Symbole |
Autres actions
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Utile, simple et gratuit. Actions, ETF, ETC, ETN, indices, fonds, obligations, certificats, devises, options, droits de souscription.