US3163897743 - FCVIX (XNAS)
Fidelity Advisor Small Cap Value Fund Class I Fonds
Sin cotización
Heute | Woche | Monat | 3 Monate | 6 Monate | 1 Jahr | 5 Jahre |
- | - | 0,00 % | 0,00 % | 8,55 % | 8,66 % | 37,96 % |
Firmenprofil zu Fidelity Advisor Small Cap Value Fund Class I Fonds
The investment seeks capital appreciation. The fund invests primarily in common stocks. It invests at least 80% of assets in securities of companies with small market capitalizations. The fund invests in securities of companies that Fidelity Management & Research Company (FMR) believes are undervalued in the marketplace in relation to factors such as assets, sales, earnings, growth potential, or cash flow, or in relation to securities of other companies in the same industry (stocks of these companies are often called "value" stocks). It invests in domestic and foreign issuers.
Unternehmensdaten zum Fidelity Advisor Small Cap Value Fund Class I Fonds
Name Fidelity Advisor Small Cap Value Fund Class I
Firma Fidelity Advisor Small Cap Value Fund Class I
Symbol FCVIX
ISIN US3163897743
Wertpapierart Fonds
Sektor Financial Services
Branche Asset Management
Marktkapitalisierung 5 Mrd.
Land Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika
Währung USD
Mitarbeiter -
Adresse Fidelity Securities Fund,
IPO Datum 2004-11-04
Dividenden von 'Fidelity Advisor Small Cap Value Fund Class I'
Ex-Datum | Dividende pro Aktie |
21.12.2023 | 0,11 USD |
08.09.2023 | 0,02 USD |
28.12.2021 | 0,07 USD |
17.12.2021 | 0,31 USD |
03.09.2021 | 0,06 USD |
18.12.2020 | 0,07 USD |
04.09.2020 | 0,02 USD |
20.12.2019 | 0,08 USD |
06.09.2019 | 0,04 USD |
14.12.2018 | 0,08 USD |
Ticker Symbole
Name | Symbol |
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