US67062C1071 - NCA (XNYS)
Nuveen California Municipal Value Fund Fonds
8,43 USD
Aktuelle Kurse von Nuveen California Municipal Value Fund
Börse | Ticker | Währung | Letzter Umsatz | Kurs | Tagesveränderung | Tagesveränderung % |
10.01.2025 21:59
8,43 USD
| 8,52 USD | -1,06 % |
Heute | Woche | Monat | 3 Monate | 6 Monate | 1 Jahr | 5 Jahre |
-1,06 % | -0,71 % | -3,88 % | -7,57 % | -3,33 % | -5,60 % | -20,32 % |
Firmenprofil zu Nuveen California Municipal Value Fund Fonds
Nuveen California Municipal Value Fund is a closed-ended fixed income mutual fund launched by Nuveen Investments, Inc. The fund is co-managed by Nuveen Fund Advisors LLC and Nuveen Asset Management, LLC. It invests in the fixed income markets of California. The fund invests primarily in municipal securities rated Baa/BBB or better. It invests in securities that provide income exempt from federal and California income tax. The fund employs fundamental analysis with bottom-up stock picking approach to create its portfolio. It benchmarks the performance of its portfolio against the S&P California Municipal Bond Index and the S&P National Municipal Bond Index. Nuveen California Municipal Value Fund was formed on October 7, 1987 and is domiciled in the United States.
Unternehmensdaten zum Nuveen California Municipal Value Fund Fonds
Name Nuveen California Municipal Value Fund
Firma Nuveen California Municipal Value Fund
Symbol NCA
ISIN US67062C1071
Wertpapierart Fonds
Sektor Financial Services
Branche Asset Management
CEO Mr. James Norman Nelson III, CFA
Marktkapitalisierung 298 Mio
Land Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika
Währung USD
Mitarbeiter -
Adresse 333 West Wacker Drive, 60606-1220 Chicago
IPO Datum 1987-10-07
Dividenden von 'Nuveen California Municipal Value Fund'
Ex-Datum | Dividende pro Aktie |
13.12.2024 | 0,03 USD |
15.11.2024 | 0,03 USD |
15.10.2024 | 0,03 USD |
13.09.2024 | 0,03 USD |
15.08.2024 | 0,03 USD |
15.07.2024 | 0,03 USD |
14.06.2024 | 0,03 USD |
14.05.2024 | 0,03 USD |
12.04.2024 | 0,03 USD |
14.03.2024 | 0,03 USD |
Ticker Symbole
Name | Symbol |
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