US40168W2851 - SAOAX (XNAS)
Guggenheim Alpha Opportunity Fund Fonds
Sin cotización
Heute | Woche | Monat | 3 Monate | 6 Monate | 1 Jahr | 5 Jahre |
- | - | 0,00 % | 0,00 % | 1,99 % | 6,05 % | 22,03 % |
Firmenprofil zu Guggenheim Alpha Opportunity Fund Fonds
The fund pursues its objective by investing, under normal market conditions, in long and short positions of domestic equity and equity-related securities. It may invest in domestic equity securities, including small-, mid-, and large-capitalization securities. The fund also may invest in derivative instruments, including swaps on selected baskets of equity securities, to enable the fund to pursue its investment objective without investing directly in the securities of companies to which the fund is seeking exposure.
Unternehmensdaten zum Guggenheim Alpha Opportunity Fund Fonds
Name Guggenheim Alpha Opportunity Fund
Firma Guggenheim Alpha Opportunity Fund
Symbol SAOAX
ISIN US40168W2851
Wertpapierart Fonds
Sektor Financial Services
Branche Asset Management
Marktkapitalisierung 38 Mio
Land Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika
Währung USD
Mitarbeiter -
Adresse Guggenheim Investments,
IPO Datum 2003-07-08
Dividenden von 'Guggenheim Alpha Opportunity Fund'
Ex-Datum | Dividende pro Aktie |
14.12.2023 | 0,12 USD |
15.12.2022 | 0,13 USD |
16.12.2021 | 0,16 USD |
17.12.2020 | 0,21 USD |
19.12.2019 | 0,16 USD |
20.12.2018 | 0,21 USD |
21.12.2017 | 1,45 USD |
19.09.2017 | 0,004 USD |
01.12.2016 | 0,006 USD |
04.12.2014 | 0,005 USD |
Ticker Symbole
Name | Symbol |
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