US2836782092 - EP-PC (XNYS)
El Paso Energy Capital Trust I PFD CV TR SECS Fonds
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Company Profile for El Paso Energy Capital Trust I PFD CV TR SECS Fonds
The capital trust of a company providing natural gas and related energy products. The company is engaged in exploration and production and the operation of pipelines.
Company Data to El Paso Energy Capital Trust I PFD CV TR SECS Fonds
Name El Paso Energy Capital Trust I PFD CV TR SECS
Company El Paso Energy Capital Trust I PFD CV TR SECS
Symbol EP-PC
Primary Exchange
ISIN US2836782092
Asset Class Fonds
Sector Energy
Industry Oil & Gas Midstream
Market Capitalization 106 Mrd.
Currency USD
Employees -
IPO Date 1998-03-12
Ticker Symbols
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