Vanguard Active U.K. Equity Fund A GBP Accumulation Fonds
114,42 GBX
Aktuelle Kurse von Vanguard Active U.K. Equity Fund A GBP Accumulation
Börse | Ticker | Währung | Letzter Umsatz | Kurs | Tagesveränderung | Tagesveränderung % |
London |
07.01.2025 21:00
114,42 GBX
| 0,00 GBX | 0,00 % |
Heute | Woche | Monat | 3 Monate | 6 Monate | 1 Jahr | 5 Jahre |
0,00 % | -1,07 % | -98,99 % | -98,99 % | -98,98 % | -98,90 % | -98,95 % |
Firmenprofil zu Vanguard Active U.K. Equity Fund A GBP Accumulation Fonds
The Vanguard Active U.K. Equity Fund (the “Fund”) seeks to provide an increase in the value of investments over the long-term (more than 5 years). The Fund seeks to achieve its investment objective by investing primarily in shares of U.K. companies, being those which are incorporated, domiciled or conduct a significant portion of their business in the U.K. Such companies may also be listed in the U.K. Under normal circumstances, at least 80% of the Fund’s assets will be invested in shares of such companies.
Unternehmensdaten zum Vanguard Active U.K. Equity Fund A GBP Accumulation Fonds
Name Vanguard Active U.K. Equity Fund A GBP Accumulation
Firma Vanguard Active U.K. Equity Fund A GBP Accumulation
Wertpapierart Fonds
Sektor Financial Services
Branche Asset Management
Marktkapitalisierung 37 Mio
Land Großbritannien und Nordirland
Währung GBX
Mitarbeiter -
Adresse 4th Floor, The Walbrook Building, 25 Walbrook,,
IPO Datum 2019-10-15
Dividenden von 'Vanguard Active U.K. Equity Fund A GBP Accumulation'
Ex-Datum | Dividende pro Aktie |
01.11.2023 | 256,58 GBX |
01.11.2022 | 197,33 GBX |
Ticker Symbole
Name | Symbol |
London | 0P0001IL91.L |
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