US82575P1075 - SBSW - A2P0BU (XNYS)
3,53 USD
Aktuelle Kurse von SIBANYE STILLW.SP.ADR 1/4
Börse | Ticker | Währung | Letzter Umsatz | Kurs | Tagesveränderung | Tagesveränderung % |
09.01.2025 00:16
3,53 USD
| 3,52 USD | 0,14 % |
Heute | Woche | Monat | 3 Monate | 6 Monate | 1 Jahr | 5 Jahre |
0,00 % | 0,43 % | -8,88 % | -19,52 % | -27,17 % | -31,55 % | -64,71 % |
Firmenprofil zu SIBANYE STILLW.SP.ADR 1/4 Aktie
Sibanye Stillwater Limited, together with its subsidiaries, operates as a precious metals mining company in South Africa, the United States, Zimbabwe, Canada, and Argentina. The company produces gold; platinum group metals (PGMs), including palladium, platinum, and rhodium; and by-products, such as iridium, ruthenium, nickel, copper, and chrome. It owns the East Boulder and Stillwater mines located in Montana, the United States; and Columbus metallurgical complex, which smelts the material mined to produce PGM-rich filter cake, as well as conducts PGM recycling activities. The company is also involved in the Kroondal, Rustenburg, Marikana, and Platinum Mile operations situated in South Africa; Mimosa located on the southern portion in Zimbabwe; the Driefontein, Kloof, and Cooke surface operations located on the West Rand of the Witwatersrand Basin; and the Beatrix situated in the southern Free State. In addition, it owns an interest in surface tailings retreatment facilities; the Marathon PGM project in Ontario, Canada; the Altar and Rio Grande copper gold projects in the Andes in north-west Argentina; the Hoedspruit; and the Burnstone and southern Free State gold projects in South Africa. Sibanye Stillwater Limited was founded in 2013 and is headquartered in Weltevreden Park, South Africa.
Unternehmensdaten zur SIBANYE STILLW.SP.ADR 1/4 Aktie
Firma Sibanye Stillwater Limited
Symbol SBSW
ISIN US82575P1075
Wertpapierart Aktie
Sektor Basic Materials
Branche Gold
CEO Mr. Gregory Cochran FAusI, MBA, MSc Eng
Marktkapitalisierung 3 Mrd.
Land Südafrika
Währung USD
Mitarbeiter 63,2 T
Adresse Bridgeview House, Building 11, 1709 Weltevredenpark
IPO Datum 2013-02-11
Splits de acciones
Fecha | Split |
05.10.2017 | 102:100 |
Cambios de identificador
Fecha | De | A |
24.02.2020 | SBGL | SBSW |
Símbolos de cotización
Nombre | Símbolo |
Frankfurt | 47VS.F |
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