GB00B1Z4ST84 - A0MV90 (XLON)
PROVIDENT FIN.LS-17868339 Action
Pas de cours
Cours actuels de PROVIDENT FIN.LS-17868339
Bourse | Ticker | Devise | Dernier échange | Cours | Variation journalière | Variation journalière % |
London |
03.03.2023 18:43
225,00 GBX
| 0,00 GBX | 0,00 % |
Heute | Woche | Monat | 3 Monate | 6 Monate | 1 Jahr | 5 Jahre |
0,00 % | 0,00 % | - | - | 0,09 % | 0,09 % | -46,19 % |
Firmenprofil zu PROVIDENT FIN.LS-17868339 Aktie
Provident Financial plc provides personal credit products to the non-standard lending market in the United Kingdom and the Republic of Ireland. The company operates through Vanquis Bank and Moneybarn segments. It offers credit cards products, unsecured personal loans, and savings products. The company also provides vehicle finance for cars, motorbikes, and light commercial vehicles. It serves 1.6 million customers. Provident Financial plc was founded in 1880 and is headquartered in Bradford, the United Kingdom.
Investierte Fonds
Folgende Fonds haben in investiert: PROVIDENT FIN.LS-17868339 investiert:
Fonds | Vol. in Mio 1.224,86 | Anteil (%) 0,21 % |
Fonds | Vol. in Mio 29,36 | Anteil (%) 0,0048 % |
Unternehmensdaten zur PROVIDENT FIN.LS-17868339 Aktie
Name PROVIDENT FIN.LS-17868339
Firma Provident Financial plc
Wertpapierart Aktie
Sektor Financial Services
Branche Financial - Credit Services
CEO Mr. Malcolm John Le May
Marktkapitalisierung 571 Mio
Land Großbritannien und Nordirland
Währung GBP
Mitarbeiter 2,5 T
Adresse No. 1 Godwin Street, BD1 2SU Bradford
IPO Datum 1962-03-16
Dividenden von 'PROVIDENT FIN.LS-17868339'
Ex-Datum | Dividende pro Aktie |
20.04.2023 | 10,30 GBX |
11.08.2022 | 5,00 GBX |
21.04.2022 | 12,00 GBX |
02.04.2020 | 16,00 GBX |
15.08.2019 | 9,00 GBX |
23.05.2019 | 10,00 GBX |
26.10.2017 | 43,20 GBX |
18.05.2017 | 66,88 GBX |
27.10.2016 | 31,61 GBX |
19.05.2016 | 59,19 GBX |
Datum | Split |
16.07.2007 | 1:2 |
13.05.1996 | 2:1 |
10.05.1993 | 5:2 |
Ticker Symbole
Name | Symbol |
Frankfurt | PRVA.F |
London | PFG.L |
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