POLAR CAP.S LS -,025 Aktie
4,83 GBP
Aktuelle Kurse von POLAR CAP.S LS -,025
Börse | Ticker | Währung | Letzter Umsatz | Kurs | Tagesveränderung | Tagesveränderung % |
London |
10.01.2025 17:07
483,00 GBX
| 490,00 GBX | -1,43 % |
Heute | Woche | Monat | 3 Monate | 6 Monate | 1 Jahr | 5 Jahre |
-1,33 % | -5,11 % | -12,50 % | -9,45 % | -17,01 % | 6,50 % | -17,86 % |
Firmenprofil zu POLAR CAP.S LS -,025 Aktie
Polar Capital Holdings plc is a publicly owned investment manager. The firm provides its services to professional and institutional investors. It launches and manages equity and balanced mutual funds. The firm also launches and manages hedge funds for its clients. The firm invests in public equity markets across the globe. The firm typically invests in companies in technology, healthcare and financial sectors. Polar Capital Holdings plc was founded in December 2000 and is based in London, United Kingdom with an additional office in Tokyo, Japan.
Investierte Fonds
Folgende Fonds haben in investiert: POLAR CAP.S LS -,025 investiert:
Fonds | Vol. in Mio 913,89 | Anteil (%) 0,16 % |
Unternehmensdaten zur POLAR CAP.S LS -,025 Aktie
Name POLAR CAP.S LS -,025
Firma Polar Capital Holdings plc
Wertpapierart Aktie
Sektor Financial Services
Branche Asset Management
CEO Mr. Gavin Mark Rochussen BAcc, BCom, CA (SA)
Marktkapitalisierung 473 Mio
Land Großbritannien und Nordirland
Währung GBP
Mitarbeiter 0,2 T
Adresse 16 Palace Street, SW1E 5JD London
IPO Datum 2007-02-06
Dividenden von 'POLAR CAP.S LS -,025'
Ex-Datum | Dividende pro Aktie |
12.12.2024 | 14,00 GBX |
04.07.2024 | 32,00 GBX |
14.12.2023 | 14,00 GBX |
06.07.2023 | 32,00 GBX |
22.12.2022 | 14,00 GBX |
07.07.2022 | 32,00 GBX |
23.12.2021 | 14,00 GBX |
08.07.2021 | 31,00 GBX |
17.12.2020 | 9,00 GBX |
02.07.2020 | 25,00 GBX |
Ticker Symbole
Name | Symbol |
Frankfurt | XZF.F |
London | POLR.L |
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