US48121L5930 - JPEAX (XNAS)
JPMorgan Tax Aware Equity Fund Class A Fonds
Kein Kurs
Heute | Woche | Monat | 3 Monate | 6 Monate | 1 Jahr | 5 Jahre |
- | - | - | - | 0,00 % | 0,00 % | 9,37 % |
Firmenprofil zu JPMorgan Tax Aware Equity Fund Class A Fonds
The investment seeks to provide high after-tax total return from a portfolio of selected equity securities. The fund invests at least 80% of its assets in equity securities. It primarily invests in common stocks of large and medium capitalization U.S. companies, but it may also invest up to 20% of its assets in common stocks of foreign companies, including depositary receipts. The Advisor focuses on those equity securities that the Advisor considers attractively valued and seeks to outperform the Benchmark through superior stock selection.
Unternehmensdaten zum JPMorgan Tax Aware Equity Fund Class A Fonds
Name JPMorgan Tax Aware Equity Fund Class A
Firma JPMorgan Tax Aware Equity Fund Class A
Symbol JPEAX
ISIN US48121L5930
Wertpapierart Fonds
Sektor Financial Services
Branche Asset Management
Marktkapitalisierung 798 Mio
Land Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika
Währung USD
Mitarbeiter -
Adresse JPMorgan Trust I,
IPO Datum 2011-03-22
Dividenden von 'JPMorgan Tax Aware Equity Fund Class A'
Ex-Datum | Dividende pro Aktie |
27.09.2023 | 0,04 USD |
29.03.2023 | 0,04 USD |
20.12.2022 | 0,07 USD |
28.09.2022 | 0,04 USD |
28.06.2022 | 0,03 USD |
20.12.2021 | 0,006 USD |
29.03.2021 | 0,005 USD |
18.12.2020 | 0,03 USD |
28.09.2020 | 0,04 USD |
26.06.2020 | 0,05 USD |
Ticker Symbole
Name | Symbol |
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