GB00BG12Y042 - A2JGLJ (XLON)
10,11 GBP
Aktuelle Kurse von ENERGEAN PLC
Börse | Ticker | Währung | Letzter Umsatz | Kurs | Tagesveränderung | Tagesveränderung % |
London |
10.01.2025 17:12
1.011,00 GBX
| 1.015,00 GBX | -0,39 % |
Heute | Woche | Monat | 3 Monate | 6 Monate | 1 Jahr | 5 Jahre |
0,00 % | -6,04 % | 2,38 % | 13,85 % | -4,35 % | 5,04 % | 12,83 % |
Firmenprofil zu ENERGEAN PLC Aktie
Energean plc engages in the exploration, development, and production of oil and gas. It operates through four segments: Europe, Israel, Egypt, and New Ventures. The company holds interests in the Eastern Mediterranean. Its flagship project is the Karish and Tanin development located to the offshore Israel. The company has 965 million barrels of oil equivalents of proven and probable, and contingent resources. It also provides financing services; and holds a gas transportation license. The company was formerly known as Energean Oil & Gas plc and changed its name to Energean plc in May 2020. Energean plc was founded in 2007 and is based in London, the United Kingdom.
Investierte Fonds
Folgende Fonds haben in investiert: ENERGEAN PLC investiert:
Fonds | Vol. in Mio 3.002,00 | Anteil (%) 0,19 % |
Fonds | Vol. in Mio 1.116,39 | Anteil (%) 0,19 % |
Fonds | Vol. in Mio 5,14 | Anteil (%) 0,09 % |
Unternehmensdaten zur ENERGEAN PLC Aktie
Firma Energean plc
Wertpapierart Aktie
Sektor Energy
Branche Oil & Gas Exploration & Production
CEO Mr. Mathaios Rigas
Marktkapitalisierung 2 Mrd.
Land Großbritannien und Nordirland
Währung GBP
Mitarbeiter 0,6 T
Adresse Accurist House, W1U 7AL London
IPO Datum 2018-03-16
Dividenden von 'ENERGEAN PLC'
Ex-Datum | Dividende pro Aktie |
19.09.2024 | 22,64 GBX |
06.06.2024 | 23,58 GBX |
07.03.2024 | 23,41 GBX |
07.12.2023 | 23,86 GBX |
14.09.2023 | 24,14 GBX |
08.06.2023 | 23,98 GBX |
09.03.2023 | 25,09 GBX |
08.12.2022 | 30,00 GBX |
15.09.2022 | 30,00 GBX |
Ticker Symbole
Name | Symbol |
Frankfurt | 1YE.F |
London | ENOG.L |
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