IE00BF0L3536 - A2DW7N (XDUB)
AIB GROUP PLC EO -,625 Aktie
5,63 EUR
Aktuelle Kurse von AIB GROUP PLC EO -,625
Börse | Ticker | Währung | Letzter Umsatz | Kurs | Tagesveränderung | Tagesveränderung % |
London |
10.01.2025 16:51
462,88 GBX
| 459,50 GBX | 0,74 % |
Heute | Woche | Monat | 3 Monate | 6 Monate | 1 Jahr | 5 Jahre |
0,00 % | 4,31 % | 3,65 % | 10,38 % | 9,43 % | 43,99 % | 77,00 % |
Firmenprofil zu AIB GROUP PLC EO -,625 Aktie
AIB Group plc provides banking and financial products and services to retail, business, and corporate customers. It operates through Retail Banking, Corporate Institutional & Business Banking, AIB UK, and Group segments. The company offers current and savings accounts, demand deposits, notice deposits, fixed term deposits, junior/student saver deposits, and currency deposits. AIB Group plc also provides personal, car, home improvement, education, business, farm development, startup, farm investment, future growth, and brexit loans; graduate, corporate, asset, energy efficiency, forestry, invoice, prompt pay and insurance premium, debt, real estate, and trade finance; business and farmer credit line, government credit guarantees, and overdrafts; and venture capital funds, as well as mortgages. In addition, the company offers credit and debit cards; investment funds; life, home, car, travel, and business succession insurance products; and pension products. Further, it provides payment, merchant, cash management, FX rates, foreign currency and interest rate risk management, exporting, international cash flow management, foreign exchange, and interest rate fluctuation management services; and trade finance products, such as documentary collections, import and export letter of credit, standby letter of credit, and bank guarantees. AIB Group plc operates through a network of 296 locations in the Republic of Ireland and 29 locations in the United Kingdom. The company was formerly known as Allied Irish Banks, p.l.c. and changed its name to AIB Group plc in December 2017. AIB Group plc was founded in 1825 and is headquartered in Dublin, Ireland.
Investierte Fonds
Folgende Fonds haben in investiert: AIB GROUP PLC EO -,625 investiert:
Fonds | Vol. in Mio 2.976,82 | Anteil (%) 0,35 % |
Unternehmensdaten zur AIB GROUP PLC EO -,625 Aktie
Firma AIB Group plc
Wertpapierart Aktie
Sektor Financial Services
Branche Banks - Regional
CEO Dr. J. Colin Hunt BComm, MEconSc, Ph.D.
Marktkapitalisierung 10 Mrd.
Land Irland
Währung EUR
Mitarbeiter 10,6 T
Adresse 10 Molesworth Street, 2 Dublin
IPO Datum 2022-04-18
Ticker Symbole
Name | Symbol |
Frankfurt | A5G.F |
London | AIBG.L |
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