IE000DU292E6 - ADSE - A3DA9W (XNCM)
ADS TEC ENERG. DL-,0001 Aktie
14,94 EUR
Aktuelle Kurse von ADS TEC ENERG. DL-,0001
Börse | Ticker | Währung | Letzter Umsatz | Kurs | Tagesveränderung | Tagesveränderung % |
10.01.2025 21:59
15,31 USD
| 15,30 USD | 0,07 % |
Heute | Woche | Monat | 3 Monate | 6 Monate | 1 Jahr | 5 Jahre |
0,00 % | 0,13 % | 12,05 % | 23,48 % | 30,19 % | 133,04 % | 66,47 % |
Firmenprofil zu ADS TEC ENERG. DL-,0001 Aktie
ADS-TEC Energy PLC, a B2B technology company, develops, manufactures, and services intelligent battery buffered energy systems. The company supplies integrated technology platforms that enable customers to run their electric vehicle (EV) charging and energy business models in decentralized platforms. Its portfolio of ecosystem platforms provides DC-based ultra-fast chargers for EVs on power limited grids, energy storage and management solutions for commercial and industrial applications, and energy storage and management solutions for residential sector coupling applications. The company offers ChargeBox, which contains the battery and power inverters; and ChargeTrailer, a mobile high power charging system in the form of a standard truck trailer, that has a variety of integrated inverters, air-conditioners, an energy management unit, and security firewall, as well as a communication unit through mobile radio and DC-charging technology. It also provides PowerBooster, a battery energy system that boosts capacity for the charging process; Container-Systems, a custom battery system for large-scale applications as 20- or 40-foot container solutions; and rack systems. In addition, the company is developing MyPowerplant platform for residential applications. Its products are used in private homes, public buildings, commercial enterprises, industrial and infrastructure solutions, and self-sufficient energy supply systems. The company operates in Germany, Spain, Ireland, Switzerland, Austria, and other European countries. ADS-TEC Energy PLC was founded in 1980 and is based in Dublin, Ireland.
Unternehmensdaten zur ADS TEC ENERG. DL-,0001 Aktie
Name ADS TEC ENERG. DL-,0001
Firma ADS-TEC Energy PLC
Symbol ADSE
Wertpapierart Aktie
Sektor Industrials
Branche Electrical Equipment & Parts
CEO Mr. Thomas Gerhart Speidel
Marktkapitalisierung 642 Mio
Land Irland
Währung EUR
Mitarbeiter 0,2 T
Adresse 10 Earlsfort Terrace, 2 Dublin
IPO Datum 2021-03-10
Ticker Symbole
Name | Symbol |
Frankfurt | X3C.F |
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